PID stands for 'Proportional Integral Derivative,' and it is used to control the heating of heating elements such as the bed and the nozzle to achieve the desired temperature.
The temperature of the nozzle and the bed can vary by a few degrees.

You should adjust the PID at what times?
It is recommended to adjust the PID
1) At least during the first use.
2) From time to time (if you notice printing defects).
3) During a filament change (if you notice printing defects).
1) During a nozzle change.
2) When changing the print bed.
Important, please install the latest version of the NeoprodFX firmware (BED PID activation by default).
Connect the printer to your PC via USB.
Don't forget to install the CH340 USB controller driver using this . LikeOnce the driver is installed, we will go to the Device Manager (keyboard shortcut "Windows key + Pause" and then Device Manager).
Please note the COM port, which is COM5 here.
Now, we will install Pronterface / Printrun, which allows us to communicate directly via GCODE. LIEN
Once downloaded, open Pronterface.
In the top left corner, select the COM Port that corresponds to your D12, here it's COM5 with a baudrate of 115200, then click Connect (please note that if Cura is open, you'll need to close it as it may connect via USB in the background).
If the connection is successful, you will see the following message:
Don't pay attention to the M105 command; it's the printer's feedback.
We will query the printer using the command M503; it will provide us with information to confirm that the PID settings are active.
Here, we can see the response from M503, which indicates the current PID values through M301 (EXTRUDER) and M304 (BED). If M304 is absent, it means you have the old firmware or the BED PID was not enabled. You can also enable it directly through the PRO firmware on the screen in Config - Machine settings - Temperature - Hotbed settings.
PID extrudeur :
Initiating Autotune for the extruder for a target temperature of 205°C:
M303 E0 C8 S205
This operation will take some time (several minutes), which is normal.
Once the extruder autotune is completed, we will have values to note::
Here, the result of our PID will need to be noted:
So, we will now enter the following line:
M301 P19.62 I1.16 D82.63
And press Enter to confirm.
Heated bed PID:
We will now proceed with the calibration of the heated bed PID.
Autotune the BED for a 60°C bed:
M303 E-1 C8 S60
This step will also take some time, no need to worry.
Here, the result of our PID will need to be noted :
So, we will now enter the following line :
M304 P161.26 I30.79 D211.14
And press Enter to confirm.
Your Wanhao Duplicator 12 printer is calibrated. This operation should be performed for any nozzle or heated bed changes and can also be adjusted for different printing temperatures for better results. Your print quality will only improve as a result.